Friday, December 30, 2011

The Forgotten Truth

Another wonderful day to be alive.  Last time I commented on one of the rights of our constitution, and today I will do something similar.  We all would like to think that the great document was written up by a good bunch of men.  Rather, it is exactly the opposite.  Yes, they were looking out for the interests of the majority of the people, but what about the manority?  If they really were "GOD' fearing men, then why did they worry about the way the king was treating them?  It all comes down to subjecting yourself to a higher authority.  The king may have been the devil in skin, or evil incarnet, but that was not a good reason to rebel.  There is never a good reason to rebel.  Yashua always recognised authority.  He even called them evil to their faces.  But he never rebelled.  In fact, he told his disciples that the Pherisees were in the seat of Moses.  That is an honorable place for sure.  He told them to listen to them and do what they told them to do when it was within scripture.  If it was not, then they had the right to tell the higher authority, to their faces, that they were wrong, and needed to shape up.  They never were told to start war, or rebel.  The constitution is fine and dandy for non-GOD fearing people.  But for those who will call themselves "believers", they must know that it is the work of men who had good intentions.  We all know what road is paved with them.       

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