Saturday, September 27, 2014

Why I am walking...

Hello to all who follow this blog!

Well, it has been a pretty good start to a hard trip.  I trained for about 3 1/2 weeks going all through San Diego.  Up hills, down hills.  The last day I was in SD, I went 18 miles and didnt stop.  That was the farthest I have walked in a long time.

But why walk?  Because that way, instead of taking a bus, or another form of transport, you might miss someone who is in need.  "But Cody, you are not rich enough to help everyone.  What can you do?"  I can show them how we all can become better off by leaving the fiat currency we use today, the USD, (U.S. dollar) and move onto another form of currency.  Digital currency, also known as "cryptocurrency".  

How did I get here?  By trying to make a difference in the world.  I know that my attempt is small compared to many who have a team of helpers, but I do what I can.

Promoting VirtaCoin is the #2 thing I do.  The #1 thing I do is bring awareness to the condition of the world.  It really does not matter if you are a christian, hindu, muslim, or pagan.  We all live here on this planet and we all need to help one another.  It does not mean that we are going to agree with each other on all things, but we all know what is going on around us.

Can we escape the rampant hunger, homelessness, chronic suffering?  We can.  And the way to end it all is to get up off our butts and get moving to do something in our community.

What can you do?  Well, for most, it will be hard to give of themselves.  It is because sacrifice is hard.  Being humble is difficult as well, and so pride is a major hurdle.  Once we get over our preconceived notions when it comes to homelessness, and world hunger, by just walking down any street where a homeless person is.

First, recognise that there is a problem.  Second, find a solution.  There are always people who can point out the obvious..."Hey Bill, look, the homelessness is getting worse in our town.  I cant stand them, and wish they would just leave!"  But where will they go?  To another city to "burden" them?  This is called "self centered thinking".  It is obvious to anyone with a brain that these things are a "burden" on the community.  But what about the people who face it every day?

We need to see with new eyes to be able to provide answers to the issues that we face on a daily basis.

Give some examples as to what we all can do to help.  Just comment, and voice your opinion...

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