Friday, May 29, 2015

Harvey the good Samaratan...

When I first got to Cape Girardeau, I was not sure if I would be able to make any contacts.  I found the Salvation Army Community Center after being here for 1 hour, took a shower and talked with the staff for a while.  Heading out to find a McDonald's for Wi Fi, I came across a guy sitting on a bench.

After stopping and telling him about my mission, he asked me to sit down and chat with him.
I found out that he was a janitor at the church he sat in front of.  I didnt know that it was a church, but after closer inspection, lol, I saw that is was.

Harvey, the man sitting on the bench, told me that he was happy to see me, and he was glad that I was doing what I was doing on the trip.  I told him to please tell as many people as he could about my mission for Sept. 10th - 15th, and he quickly picked up the phone and called two people.

On of the guys I spoke to was Gary.  We chatted for a little about what was going on...
Harvey told me about a church that was serving an evening meal.  I left and went to that church.  Arriving at 5:30 I met a host of wonderful people and was happy to know that they were having a meal according to the book of Acts.

Later Harvey told me that I was able to sleep behind his apartment window, but before I did, he would need to inform his downstairs neighbors.  They apparently didnt mind, but unfortunately I was not able to stay there.

At the McDonald's that night I was asked by the police what I was doing, and I told them I was able to sleep behind an apartment complex, and they said no.

So I slept behind a church.

Harvey and Matt, the other pastor of the church, came up to me at the library and we talked for a while about my mission.  It was a good talk. Matt told me that he was trying to get the pastors of the city to work together, but it was difficult.  He also was happy to see someone out in the open doing what I was doing.

It was awesome meeting Harvey and Matt because I saw a few good people who strive to be all they can be in the church.

Tonight, I will be going to a music festival and there I will be able to see many people.  I hope to run into a few pastors there, or church folk.

Just another 4 days here in Cape, and I think it is going well.  Lets hope that I am able to keep up the steam to continue a few more days...


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Still in Cape...

Being here in Cape, I feel a little home sick.  San Diego is a wonderful place to live. I miss it. Cape reminds me of where I started.
I have made contact with several pastors, and got lost this morning. The right rear wheel is squeaking and I believe it is due to a needed new wheel.
I hope it gets me to my destination.  If need be I will take some things out and lighten the load.
I will be here for 4 or 5 more days...
Until next time...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cape Girardeau.

I made it to Cape Girardeau.  This city is a nice one next to the Mississippi River.
It has been a while since I have been here.  Maybe up to 18 years.
Made my way out of Sikeston, then to Morley, then Benton, and Scott City.
I would like to stay here for the next 5 to 7 days depending on the need.
I will talk with many pastors and see where they are within the community.  I am hoping that one of the pastors will allow me to speak to their congregation about what is happening in our country and around the world.  Nearly everyone watches tv, so they know about the problems worldwide.  But what about the need in their own back yard? Many miss that.
I have not been taking many pictures and that is because I have been busy walking and getting to places, I forget to take some.
But I will do so within the next days for sure...

Lets remember to pray for those who are persecuted worldwide for their faith, and pray for the country.  We need to pray as Daniel prayed for his people and his country.
The prayer for the country and rededication will be from September 10th to the 15th.  This will also be the time where we are going to rededicate ourselves as well.

I have a lot of work to do these next few days, so I will post again when I have another chance.
Take care, and be safe.


Saturday, May 23, 2015

The last leg of the trip...

After leaving Rector, and entering Piggott, AR, I ran into a pastor and he allowed me to stay at the church for the evening.
He knew that it was going to rain, so it was a great choice.
On my way to Campbell, I ran into a man who ran a pawn shop...
Tanks Pawn and Jewelry.
The guy told me a story that really touched me and one that I will always remember, because after he told me the story, he allowed me to pick a bracelet that would help me to remember.
So I wear it to this day, and I will always remember...
The guy drove me to Dexter, where I had a rough time.
The very first church I went to treated me like I was a leach, and pawned me off on another church.
The pastor there, Tim was a nice guy, but had his facts mixed up.
So I corrected him, (but I really do not think he cares for the truth I told him, he really cares about what he wants to believe is true...)
I left Dexter and made my way into Sikeston.  I really tried to leave, but a guy pulled up as I was walking, and asked me if I wanted to work for a few hours.  I told him yes, and I loaded tree branches all day.
It was a great day, and I love a little hard work.
The boss told me that the next town was too small and to stay in a motel for the next day, so I am back in Sikeston, in a motel...
Until next time...



Sunday, May 17, 2015

Paragould and Rector.

I am finally able to finish this post after several days...

After entering Paragould, I made my way to McDaniel Rd. and found that there were no sidewalks.
A little before this, I was at a gas station, and sitting for about 15 minutes, I looked to my west, and saw a church steeple.
I thought that making it to the church was a good idea, and went on my way.
Even though I would stop at the church, I had a plan for after that would take me into town. I needed a McDonalds to update my blog.
So I turned left down McDaniel Rd. and made my way to the church.
I didnt know what to expect, seeing that I had just pushed my cart up to the front door unannounced.  After trying the door, a man came out and talked to me for a few minutes.
I told him what I was doing there, and he let me inside so I could charge my phone and talk to him about my mission.
His is the head pastor at Grace Baptist Church, Gerald James.
After we talked for a while, I noticed something different about this man, that I didnt see in many pastors...compassion.  It has been missing in so many towns I have visited.
He had a bible study and I got to meet some of the members.
Later he asked me if I would like to stay in the church for the night, and I told him that would be great.  After, I was able to meet with his wife and two daughters, and a little boy named DeMarcus.
It was awesome to see how smart that boy was, and he gave the prayer over the meal.
DeMarcus came from a broken home, so the pastors family was happy to take him in...
The next day he took me to get my beard trimmed and also helped me with a pair of shoes.
I was allowed to go to his home and see the chickens he kept. Growing up, my mother had many small animals.
Later as we had more money, we were able to have the small ranch mom always wanted.
We had supper at his house, and I asked to take a picture of them for this blog, and to keep and remember the pastor who made my two days in Paragould a time to remember.
Of all the churches that I believe God has blessed, it is Grace Baptist Church in Paragould.  Thank you James family for your kindness and hospitality.  You will always have a place in my heart...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Out to the next city, Paragould

In the last post, I stated that I was going to Blytheville, but instead I will be going to Paragould, AR.  The reason is that I need to continue to head north due to the heat of the day.

The storms that hit this area were very powerful and I see why there have been many tornados here. At least I didnt see any.  Not saying that there were none close by...

At any rate, Paragould is the next city, and then I am heading further north until I get close to St. Louis, MO.

Still have to keep my spirits up, and I ask that you all keep me in your prayers because I really do need it. Now I have a cold and need to rest, so that is what I am doing here in this Subway.

Until I make it to Paragould...


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tawyanna and Zach...

This is a special post, and in it I would like to thank a special lady and her son for their kindness, and hospitality...
After being in Bradford, AR for all of 9 hours, I found a place I thought would keep me well for the night.
But at 1 in the morning, a police officer asked me to leave.  I told him about my mission, and all he had to say was, "Im giving you a chance to get your thinhs together and leave town." I thought, leave town, seriously?
And he gave me another option and that was to go to jail. Now, I am no fool to when it comes to the law, and he was not able to kick me out if the city, but the recent altercations with police and civilians got me to just calmly pack my things up and go. 
That was at 1 am.  By 2:30 I found a place to stop and rest until the sun came up.  That was about 6:30. By 6:45 I was walking and feeling very tired and rejected. My foot and knee was hurting and by 11:30 I was ready to quit until evening.  
Just as I was crossing a bridge a little ways from the main bridge crossing the White River into Newport, a lady stopped and asked me if there was a child in my cart that I push. I told her no, and she asked me if I needed a ride, and I told her that I would need one for sure across the main bridge.
She turned the truck around and we placed the cart in the back of her truck. 
She took me over the bridge and to the McDonalds in town. After talking for a few minutes, we said our goodbyes and I went inside.
Normally I give a slip of paper to people I talk to that has my travel info. on it and let them know about my ministry/counseling number.
A little while later, she called me and asked me if I would join her and her son for supper.  I accepted and then she asked if I would like to stay for the night to rest up before the next leg of the journey, and again I accepted.
Talking with her and her son was a very wonderful experience, and one that I will not forget.
I spent two nights in their travel trailer and enjoyed the conversation and the home cooked meals.
To Tawyanna and her son Zach...
Thank you.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Jonesboro, AR. :)

In Jonesboro, AR and I see this town as I saw Conway.
Big, and the people less friendly. It is to be expected though seeing that a larger population makes for more uptight people. More crime, and less compassion.
The church where I was staying allowed me to charge my phone...
A special thanks to the groundskeeper. You were awesome. Also the guy I chatted with this afternoon.
After church tomorrow I will be heading east and then once in Blytheville, AR. will head north again.
Take care everyone!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Calling it a night.

It was a long day that started easy enough...

First, I had to pack up my things and put them back into the cart and then take off down highway 367 to where I am now...Bradford, AR.

Next, I walked the 10 miles to get here which was not an easy task.  The first 5 miles was ok, and then my foot started hurting, so I walked slower the remaining 5 miles.

Making it here, I decided to find a place to charge my phone and get online.  The library was open until 6 so I took that time to relax.

Then, after all this, I found a nice place to sit in my sports chair and work on this blog.

The sun has set, but I do not really feel like moving.  So I wont.  lol

Anyway...tomorrow I will be walking further north to Newport.  The ladies at the library told me that it was about 17 miles.  After checking the miles online, I have seen that it is about 18.  But that is to downtown, and I will be going there and then through the city after to get north.  Jonesboro.
That is where I will be staying for two days.

Ok, so that is the update, I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, and stay safe.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The route I would LIKE to take...

Just a little bit further to Jonesboro.
I need to make it there in the next two days to keep up with the schedule.  That has changed several times, but will be set soon enough.
Above, is the path I would LIKE to take...

Things change all the time, and like last time, I am going to go through Jonesboro, whereas in this photo, I am going east of the same town.

Tell me what you think, and where you think would be best to beat the heat of the south, and also make it to NY by the first week of September.

Have a great time, and always, take care.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

No more rides, time to walk...

I have decided that I will continue to New York, and not accept any more rides...It defeats the purpose and I only have 1, 200 miles remaining and I really do want to make it there on foot.  (The only exception will be getting across the Mississippi...there are no pedestrian bridges and I will need to ask someone to get me across.)

Other than that...not much has been happening.
I did meet a wonderful woman at the Exxon gas station tonight.
She allowed me to sit and type this blog in the rest area of the store.
I walked from Beebe, AR to Searcy, AR.  The walk was fine.  The people were friendly enough, and getting into the town was pretty easy.

Tomorrow I will be taking Highway 67 north to Jonesboro, and then start going north to Missouri.  I need to cut east after getting across the Mississippi, and head to Virginia Beach, and see a pastor there.

I am excited as always to keep moving, and need to do so soon.  (I think I have wore out my welcome at this gas

Until next time in Bald Knob, AR


Friday, May 1, 2015

Beebe, Arkansas.

I got a ride from Vilonia, AR to Beebe, AR.
Since I am heading northeast, I will be taking highway 67 to Jonesboro, AR.
Before I get into that, I would like to thank both pastors for the ride from Vilonia to Beebe. It was great to share stories.
Well, the night has come and time for me to get to sleep.
Take care everyone, and I will write again as soon as I make it to Searsy, AR.