Friday, May 29, 2015

Harvey the good Samaratan...

When I first got to Cape Girardeau, I was not sure if I would be able to make any contacts.  I found the Salvation Army Community Center after being here for 1 hour, took a shower and talked with the staff for a while.  Heading out to find a McDonald's for Wi Fi, I came across a guy sitting on a bench.

After stopping and telling him about my mission, he asked me to sit down and chat with him.
I found out that he was a janitor at the church he sat in front of.  I didnt know that it was a church, but after closer inspection, lol, I saw that is was.

Harvey, the man sitting on the bench, told me that he was happy to see me, and he was glad that I was doing what I was doing on the trip.  I told him to please tell as many people as he could about my mission for Sept. 10th - 15th, and he quickly picked up the phone and called two people.

On of the guys I spoke to was Gary.  We chatted for a little about what was going on...
Harvey told me about a church that was serving an evening meal.  I left and went to that church.  Arriving at 5:30 I met a host of wonderful people and was happy to know that they were having a meal according to the book of Acts.

Later Harvey told me that I was able to sleep behind his apartment window, but before I did, he would need to inform his downstairs neighbors.  They apparently didnt mind, but unfortunately I was not able to stay there.

At the McDonald's that night I was asked by the police what I was doing, and I told them I was able to sleep behind an apartment complex, and they said no.

So I slept behind a church.

Harvey and Matt, the other pastor of the church, came up to me at the library and we talked for a while about my mission.  It was a good talk. Matt told me that he was trying to get the pastors of the city to work together, but it was difficult.  He also was happy to see someone out in the open doing what I was doing.

It was awesome meeting Harvey and Matt because I saw a few good people who strive to be all they can be in the church.

Tonight, I will be going to a music festival and there I will be able to see many people.  I hope to run into a few pastors there, or church folk.

Just another 4 days here in Cape, and I think it is going well.  Lets hope that I am able to keep up the steam to continue a few more days...


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