Monday, April 27, 2015

Tatum, the wonderful community...

Greetings to all of my friends and family out there... :)

Today I will be heading out at 9 am from Tatum, and heading east to the New Mexico/Texas border, and then on to Plains, TX which is about 30 miles.

Since my laptop will only upload pictures from an old phone, I guess I will be using that instead of the new one I have. So that is the reason there are no pictures as of late.

Here I have made some wonderful friends and have enjoyed the time.  The pastor at the local church allowed me to stay inside for the past two days, (this church is nice, and the people here are very friendly) and it has been a great time.

Yesterday, 5 adults and four children went door to door in town to hand out flyers for the upcoming revival they are going to be having here.  The children did most of the handing out, as the adults supervised.
There was a pizza dinner after that, and later the pastor asked me to give my testimony.

I stood for a few minutes talking about my experiences and how I came to want to walk across the US. That was my first ever public talk.  Surprisingly, I was not very nervous...

Well, I would like to thank the people here in Tatum for their kindness and understanding.  You all have been a great blessing to me and I hope that in my travels I will see you all again!

I'm off to Plains, Texas.


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